New Cigna Claim Address – Billing News
May 2, 2011If you submit paper medical claims or correspondence to CIGNA, note that some mailing addresses and fax numbers have changed effective January 1, 2011. Refer to the tables in the November 2010 issue of Network News (www.cigna.com > Health Professionals > Newsletters) for new addresses and fax numbers. CIGNA ID cards will continue to show the Scranton, PA address for claims and correspondence submission until they are updated throughout 2011. Disregard the Scranton, PA address on the ID card and submit all medical claims and correspondence to the appropriate Chattanooga, TN address shown in the tables of the November 2010 issue of Network News. The Chattanooga address should be selected based on the address previously used for claims and correspondence submissions. For example, claims previously sent to PO Box 5200, Scranton, PA, should now be sent to PO Box 182223, Chattanooga, TN. Medical claims and correspondence for patients with GWH-CIGNA or Great-West ID cards are not affected by this change. Medical claims or correspondence mailed after December 31, 2010 to a Scranton address listed in the table of the November 2010 issue of Network News are being redirected by the United States Postal Service to the Chattanooga location. Please make the appropriate changes to the Cigna claim addresses and fax numbers.