Fortify Your Practice

XiFin logo mark Accelerate reimbursements

XiFin logo mark Improve cash collections

XiFin logo mark Heighten financial visibility and cost control

XiFin logo mark Bolster your bottom line

Focus on Practice Success

Enhance Practice Growth and Service
with the Right RCM Partner

In healthcare, nothing is static. Some trends swing back and forth between two extremes. Others evolve—at varying speeds. Some appear out of the blue. Others vanish completely.

When it comes to your revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions provider, you need more than a transactional relationship. You need a strategic partner–one who understands the landscape and how to navigate it. One who can remove the speedbumps and keep your billing processes running smoothly. One who can help your practice stay on track–or help you unlock new opportunities and blaze new trails.

See how XiFin partnered with radiology practices to eliminate friction from their RCM process and free them to focus on patient care and service.

Stay Informed and Empower Your Practice

“Going by my own experience, I think a lot of radiology practices could really benefit working with XiFin Radiology Services.”

— Dr. Behzad Noorbehesht, Founder, Palms Imaging Center


Supporting care for more than 100,000 underserved patients in the Ventura County, CA, region, Palms Imaging Center has maintained a strong focus on customer service and serving patients. To maintain that focus on excellence in diagnostic imaging, the practice recognized the need for outsourcing help to manage supporting services. Based on expertise, range of services, and dedication to customer service, Palms Imaging Center chose XiFin Radiology Services. Throughout the partnership, XiFin Radiology Services has managed the practice’s billing services, helping maximize financial performance. But that’s just the beginning.

Read Success Story

Flexible Billing Solutions for Your Practice

When you choose to outsource some – or all – of your RCM operations, the XiFin Outsourced Billing Services stand ready to help. Backed by more than 25 years of billing expertise, our team reduces the administrative burden for radiology practices and imaging centers, empowering them to focus on their mission. That’s The Power To Do Good.