TC Changes of Physician Pathology Services
March 3, 2008Qualifying independent laboratories may continue to bill Medicare directly for the TC of certain physician pathology services provided to patients as part of a covered hospital inpatient stay or outpatient hospital service, through June 30, 2008.
Key Points
- Independent laboratories that qualify to bill for the TC of a physician pathology service furnished to an inpatient or outpatient of a covered hospital may continue to bill their carrier or Part A/B MAC for these services through June 30, 2008.
- Effective on or after July 1, 2008, only the hospital may bill for the TC of a physician pathology service provided to a hospital inpatient or outpatient.
- A covered hospital refers to a hospital that has an arrangement with an independent laboratory that was in effect as of July 22, 1999, under which the laboratory furnished the TC of physician pathology services to fee-for service Medicare beneficiaries who were patients of the hospital.
- The hospital cannot bill under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) for the TC of physician pathology services if the laboratory that services that hospital outpatient is receiving payment from its carrier or A/B MAC under the Medicare physician fee schedule.