Palmetto GBA Launches IVR Conversion Tool
May 2, 2011Need to convert the Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), Medicare number, or beneficiary name into the numbers and/or characters the Interactive Voice Response system requires? It’s easy with the new IVR conversion tool in the Self Service Tools section on the J1 Part A or Part B home page. PTAN and Patient’s Medicare Number Conversion These two sections of the IVR conversion tool were created to assist providers in entering the PTAN and patient’s Medicare number into the IVR. In the conversion tool, simply type the PTAN or Medicare number, press the ’Translate’ button and the tool will automatically convert the PTAN or Medicare number to the numbers and/or characters that are required by the IVR. Enter the sequence into the IVR (including the #) exactly as it appears. Beneficiary Name to Number Converter The IVR requires providers to enter the first six letters of the patient’s last name during the eligibility and claim status authentication process. The IVR name conversion section was created to assist providers in entering the patient’s name into the IVR. In the conversion tool, simply type the patient’s last name (including titles such as Jr., Sr., and III), press the convert button and the tool will automatically convert the name into the numbers that are required by the IVR. When prompted by the IVR to enter the beneficiary name, enter the sequence into the IVR (including the #) exactly as it appears.