Billing Beat

NCD Update

July 3, 2006


American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes Monitoring Recommendations:

  • Perform the A1C test twice a year in patients that are at glycemic goal and stable metabolic status
  • Perform the A1C test every three months in patients that are not at glycemic goal or patients that have changing therapy
  • Use point-of-care testing of A1C to make therapy changes in a timely manner
  • The goal A1C for most patients is 7 percent or below

Frequency of A1C testing may depend on the clinical situation, the treatment regimen used and the judgment of the clinician. Deviations from standard A1C goals and monitoring frequency may be appropriate for the following patients: pregnant, the young and the elderly (less than 13 years old and more than 65 years old), and those experiencing hypoglycemia.

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