Billing Beat

Medicaid Colorado – COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Vaccines

October 1, 2022

Effective August 31, 2022, bivalent boosters of the COVID-19 vaccine are a covered benefit. The following Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) COVID-19 vaccine booster codes are now available: 91312, 91313, 0124A, and 0134A. Claims with a date of service of August 31, 2022, or later will be reprocessed. Effective September 12, 2022, monovalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters are no longer a covered benefit. The following CPT codes will close and claims with dates of service of September 12, 2022, or later will deny: 0004A, 0034A, 0054A, 0064A, and 0094A.

Source: 0922_B2200482.pdf


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