Billing Beat

Cytology Proficiency Testing

April 1, 2009

Proposed changes made by CMS to CLIA for cytology PT include increasing the number of slides or other approved media in the first test and first retest from 10 to 20, and the time for completing the screening from two hours to four hours. The currently required passing score of 90 percent would remain, but with the increase in challenges, each error would count less. Test takers would also be allowed to miss up to two high-grade lesions or cancers and still pass. Under current rules, missing even one high-grade lesion or cancer is grounds for automatic failure. The proposed rule would also lessen the frequency requirement for PT testing from annually to biennially.

To ensure testing quality, the proposed rule includes a provision that requires providers to explain their appeals process prior to administering a test and impose more stringent obligations on PT programs.

You have until March 17 to comment on this proposed rule.

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