Billing Beat

COBA Medigap Claim-Based Crossover Process

March 3, 2008

CMS has decided to not require Medicare Part B contractors to update their internal insurer tables or files with each Medigap insurerÕs newly assigned Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA) Medigap claim-based ID, as was previously prescribed in CR 5662. This is because, the contractorsÕ front-end system now simply verifies that a Medigap claim-based crossover identifier on an incoming claim is syntactically correct (5 digits, beginning with a “5”). CMSÕ Common Working File (CWF) system is now tasked with validation of the actual ID submitted on incoming claims. Effective with CR 5837, all Part B contractors will discontinue publication of their routine Medigap newsletters. Effective Date: 10/01/2007.

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