Billing Beat

BCBS Anthem – Attention lab providers: COVID-19 update regarding reimbursement

April 4, 2023

Reimbursement changes to COVID-19 laboratory services codes for Commercial, and Medicare Advantage and Medicaid

Beginning with dates of service on or after May 12, 2023, representing the end of the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE), or if extended, such later date, reimbursement for COVID-19 laboratory services codes will be reduced for laboratory providers contracted as Independent Laboratory (Ancillary) providers and participating in an Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) independent laboratory provider network.

New COVID-19 laboratory service codes were implemented and reimbursed at rates to meet the needs of laboratory providers during the PHE. This notice is to inform you that reimbursement will be revised to Anthem’s standard reimbursement methodology for Independent laboratory providers for the following codes once the PHE has ended:


U0001 86328 87426 87811 0226U
U0002 86408 87428 0202U 0240U
U0003 86409 87635 0223U 0241U
U0004 86413 87636 0224U  
U0005 86769 87637 0225U  

The revised standard fee schedule for the COVID-19 laboratory services codes outlined above to take effect upon the expiration of the PHE, May 11, 2023, can be viewed on



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